Imagine my delight as I am walking to the ground from the boozer bracing myself to pay £24 for the pleasure of watching my beloved Rotherham United against former European champions Nottingham Forest when I notice a pair of tickets on the floor. I obviously picked them up and found out that they were complimentary tickets for the Brian Clough stand. After a momentary moral dilemma it was decided that me and Denti would forsake sitting with the Roth fans and we’d go in with the Forest fans and pay nowt. It was an easy decision really and also meant I could go out and get wasted that night, which I did. We also fell lucky in that the area of the ground where we were sat seemed to be the family stand, which we meant if we did get carried away in the heat of the moment we weren’t going to be on the end of a thumping. Depending on which way you look at it we were lucky in that we didn’t have anything to cheer about. The poorest performance yet meant that we were in no danger of having to disgrace ourselves by cheering an opposition goal whilst in the home end!
There have been times when I have sat with the ‘prawn sandwichers’ at away games so have some experience of sitting at a game with opposition supporters around but this was a different kettle of fish and I found it interesting to see the obvious bias you get and how they appeal for stuff that we don’t think anything of. It was a poor game though but we didn’t pay so I wasn’t that bothered and with my new found wealth I went out and got wasted. Happy days.