I've started to enjoy it - Warne

Last updated : 03 March 2017 By Millersmad

It's been tough for Warney, unexpectedly and initially not wanting to rule the roost, he admits that he's starting to enjoy being the boss.

"I'm not a quitter, that's not who I am and I've never thought of jacking it in." Warne told todays Advertiser.

"When I was stood on the side of the pitch after sixty minutes at Cardiff I did feel the weight of the world on me ad it's the only time I've felt generally embarrassed. It was my most harrowing ninety minutes in management. Apart from that I've started to enjoy it."

"'If the team is doing disastrously bad or not performing it doesn't take long for people above you to make a decision anyway. From day one I've said I will do this as long as the Chairman wants me to do it." he added.