Facebook member?? Join the Official Millers group...

Last updated : 02 April 2009 By Deano
Facebook is a popular networking site which alot of you will be familiar with, now the club have decided to join in and have set up their own official page.

Ourselves at MillersMAD already have a page lurking somewhere for our postees, but here's how to join the new one!

Log on to Facebook if you're not a member already, if you are access your account and then use the search bar by entering 'Official Rotherham United Page', and click 'Become a fan'

Alternatively, CLICK HERE to take you directly to the page.

Chief operating officer Paul Douglas told themillers.co.uk: "We feel we can use this as a better opportunity to communicate with our fans - it will be an excellent way for people to stay in touch with what's going on at the club."