Maccio said, "It' still hard, we came in when the club was losing a lot of money, we've brought that down and cut costs down, theres still a long way to go and we can only do that with the fans, if they keep coming then we'll do it."
Asked how he see's the next year at Millmoor going, Dino said; "As long as the fans keep coming through the gates, we keep doing our bit and the team continues to do thier bit I can't see a problem, like I say theres still a long way to go but I feel we'll get there."
"We reckon that withen 12-18 months we'll bring the club to a break-even point and if we can get to that then I think we've got a great acheivement."
"We're hands on here, we've got the shop now and the moneys coming into the club, we're cutting corners here and I think you've got to be hands-on to see whats happening."
Dino was then asked about our 'new' main stand, which still stands half built, and if there are any plans to complete it, "Not at the moment, we're still working with the council and waiting to see what happens with the offer thats gone in (For the purchase of Millmoor) before we do anything. I think we can work together as a community stadium. The council have not said that but thats what we're pushing for. We're expecting to hear somthing this month, everything is in the hands of the lawyers at the moment."
Dino then went on to praise Knill; "I've got faith in Alan, he's done a fantastic job and I've said this from day one when we came in, we had to give Alan a chance and I have faith in him and he's proved it upto now."
Asked if Knill would be getting a new contract; "There's a long way to go yet, Alan's doing a job and we'll see as we go along this season." Dino replied.